IIT Publications Search

Ahmad J., Frascella S., Dassie F., Lahoud M.G., Marchello G., Cannella F., Traviglia A.
AAPOE: Automated Artifacts Position and Orientation Estimation in Cultural Heritage
MESA 2024 - 20th International Conference on Mechatronic, Embedded Systems and Applications, Proceedings
DOI 10.1109/MESA61532.2024.10704902 Conference Paper Conference
Giovanelli R., Traviglia A.
AIKoGAM: An AI-driven Knowledge Graph of the Antiquities Market: Toward Automatised Methods to Identify Illicit Trafficking Networks
Journal of Computer Applications in Archaeology, vol. 7, (no. 1), pp. 92-114
DOI 10.5334/jcaa.130 Review Journal
Traviglia A., Stucchi M. E., Lamuraglia R., Franceschin G.
Archaeometric Analysis of Roman Mosaic and Fresco Fragments from Aquileia: Maximising Insights into Suburban Settlements
30th EAA Annual Meeting
Poster Conference
Ferro S., Pasquariello D., Traviglia A.
Automatic Expansion of Historical Vernacular Abbreviations in Latin Manuscripts
International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition
Article Journal
Ljubenovic M., Figueiredo M.A.T., Traviglia A.
Blind Deblurring of THz Time-Domain Images Based on Low-Rank Representation
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, vol. 3, pp. 672-679
DOI 10.5220/0012436800003660 Conference Paper Conference
Ferro S., Torcinovich A., Traviglia A., Pelillo M.
Boosting CNN-based Handwriting Recognition Systems with Learnable Relaxation Labelling
Pattern Recognition
Article Journal
Tambs L., Bernardin M.D.E., Lorenzon M., Traviglia A.
Bridging Historical, Archaeological and Criminal Networks
Journal of Computer Applications in Archaeology, vol. 7, (no. 1), pp. 1-7
DOI 10.5334/jcaa.141 Editorial Journal
Molinaro S., Zanini R., Giummolè F., Traviglia A.
Exploring secondary glass production in Roman Aquileia: an extensive archaeometric study towards new evidence
30th European Association of Archeologists Annual Meeting
Article Conference
Stratigaki M., Armirotti A., Ottonello G., Manente S., Traviglia A.
Fungal and bacterial species richness in biodeteriorated seventeenth century Venetian manuscripts
Scientific Reports, vol. 14, (no. 1)
Jaturapitpornchai R., Poggi G., Sech G., Kokalj Z., Fiorucci M., Traviglia A.
Impact of LiDAR Visualisations on Semantic Segmentation of Archaeological Objects
International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), pp. 3361-3365
Naylor P., Di Carlo D., Traviglia A., Yamada M., Fiorucci M.
Implicit neural representation for change detection
Proceedings - 2024 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, WACV 2024, pp. 924-934
DOI 10.1109/WACV57701.2024.00098 Conference Paper Conference
Zanini R., Franceschin G., Vigorelli L., Iori G., Chiaberge L., Longo E., Guidorzi L., Re A., Giudice A.L., Traviglia A.
Laboratory and synchrotron x-ray micro–computed tomography to shed light on degradation features of corroded Roman glass
Journal of the American Ceramic Society
DOI 10.1111/jace.20241 Article Journal
Stucchi N. M. E., Franceschin G., De Nardi C., Vavasori A., Traviglia A.
Learning from romans: when Vitruvian recipes became the inspiration for new technology
6th International Conference on Innovation in Art Research and Technology – InART2024 – in Oslo 4–7 June 2024
Conference Paper Conference
Poggi G., Andaleeb Y., Jaturapitpornchai R., Ferro S., Sech G., Naylor P., Salvi M. C., Vascon S., Le Saux B., Fiorucci M., Traviglia A.
Multitemporal Multispectral Dataset for Palaeochannels Segmentation (MAPS)
IEEE Access
Article Journal
Poggi G., Yaseen A., Jaturapitpornchai R., Ferro S., Sech G., Naylor P., Salvi M.C., Vascon S., Le Saux B., Fiorucci M., Traviglia A.
Multitemporal Multispectral Dataset for Palaeochannels Segmentation (MAPS)
DOI 10.36227/techrxiv.172833109.92524193/v1 Article in Press E-print Archive