IIT People Search

Francesca Manago

Senior Technician
Research center

Title: Ph.D. Degree in Robotics, Neuroscience and Nanotechnologies
Institute: Università degli studi Genova / Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
Location: Genova
Country: Italy
From: 2008 To: 2011

Title: Master Degree in Biological Sciences
Institute: the University of Rome “La Sapienza”
Location: Rome
Country: Italy
From: 2000 To: 2007


Title: Optogenetics control of neuronal activity in rodents coupled with in vivo electrophysiology
Description: Training School conducted by Dr. Cyril Herry at Inserm, Bordeaux, France
Date: 11-11-2016

Title: Calcium Imaging by miniscope
Description: calcium imaging technique with the Inscopix devices, nVista and nVoke.
Date: 12-11-2018

Experience External

Title: visiting graduate student
Institute: Duke University
Location: Durham NC
Country: USA
From: 2008 To: 2009

Title: visiting student
Institute: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
Location: Marseille
Country: France
From: 2006 To: 2006

Title: master student
Institute: Università di Roma "La Sapienza"
Location: Rome
Country: Italy
From: 2005 To: 2007

All Publications
Dautan D., Monai A., Maltese F., Chang X., Molent C., Mauro D., Galbusera A., Vecchia D., Antonelli F., Benedetti A., Drago F., Leggio G.M., Pagani M., Fellin T., Gozzi A., Schumann G., Manago F., Papaleo F.
Cortico-cortical transfer of socially derived information gates emotion recognition
Nature Neuroscience
Article Journal
Antonelli F., Bernardi F., Managò F., Papaleo F.
Emotions modulation on interbrain dynamics
FENS Forum of Neuroscience, Vienna, Austria
Poster Conference
Monai A., Antonelli F., Molent C., Managò F., Carta I., Pacinelli G., Benedetti A., Walle R., Niello M., Stubbendorff C., Papaleo F.
Prelimbic versus anterior cingulate cortex impacts in emotion recognition in mice
Society for Neuroscience (SfN) 2024, Chicago, USA
Poster Conference
Maltese F., Pacinelli G., Monai A., Bernardi F., Capaz A.M., Niello M., Walle R., de Leon N., Manago F., Leroy F., Papaleo F.
Self-experience of a negative event alters responses to others in similar states through prefrontal cortex CRF mechanisms
Nature Neuroscience
Article Journal
Maltese F., Pacinelli G., Monai A., Bernardi F., Capaz A.M., Niello M., Walle R.A.B., de Leon N., Managò F., Leroy F., Papaleo F.
Self-experience of a negative event alters responses to others in similar states via prefrontal cortex-CRF mechanisms
Nature Neuroscience
Article in Press Journal
Scientific Talks
Managò F.
A Subpopulation of Cortical Interneurons Modulates Emotion Discrimination in Mice
Neuroscience Research Australia Institute - Sidney, Australia
Knapska E., Managò F., Holmes A., Yang L.
Symposium: Feelings emotions of others: from behavior to circuits
IBNS2019 Sidney, Australia
Kiyokawa Y., Managò F., Hernandez-Lallement J., Van Gurp S.
Symposium: Neurobiology of emotional comunication in rodents
42nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society
Managò F.
Arc/Arg3.1 genetic disruption in mice causes dopamine system alterations and neurobehavioral phenotypes related to schizophrenia
IBNS2014 Vienna
Managò F.
I geni ad induzione precoce potrebbero essere il link tra stress and disordini psichiatrici?
AIP2013 Univeristà di Roma "La Sapienza"